Sunday, September 28, 2014

Big Move

Since the last time I posted, life has changed for our family.  We have moved from one beautiful New England state to another.  One of the major goals in this change was for my husband to find a better work/life balance.  Another was for us as a family to slow down and spend more time together.

We are enjoying getting know people in our new small town - we could not be more blessed with wonderful neighbors.  Our new (to us) house has the character and history we have been wanting in an older home as well as the space to spread out.  We should also be able to expand our homesteading efforts beyond what a our previous half acre lot in a large subdivision with zoning restrictions allowed us to.  We are looking forward to doing so.

So far, I am enjoying baking with the apples we are picking from our front yard trees:

Our chickens are contentedly free ranging on our new property:

And our family is having a blast exploring our new surroundings: